The Value of EHSCloud and Software as a Service explained

The Value of EHSCloud and Software as a Service explained

Every field has its own vernacular and cloud-based software is no exception. In order to communicate effectively with software vendors and your IT team, you’ll need to know what SaaS is. Put simply, SaaS stands for Software as a Service. The old model of using...
Why is the cloud approach better?

Why is the cloud approach better?

It is a question that is posed time and again – should I move my applications and data to the cloud? And what are the benefits of doing so? Cloud deployment comes with several key advantages. The first of these is the reduction of implementation costs. It eradicates...
Starting your EHS digitisation journey

Starting your EHS digitisation journey

Why move to next level EHS digitisation? Skip spreadsheets and move straight to integrated digital EHS for expanded benefits Many organisations now considering a move from traditional paper-based Environment, Health and Safety management to digital systems are heading...